Call/Text: Eastside 918.907.6666 | Brookside 539.629.1959
Creating healthy habits that last a lifetime!

Online Version
At Play Hard we want to offer all children a strong foundation for life – mentally and physically. We strive to create healthy habits that last a lifetime—both through active play and healthier foods. These fundamentals start at a very young age and build throughout their growth here at our facility and the rest of their lives. Expectations are high and we continue to raise the bar as students advance.
In addition to active play, we offer various sports and fitness exposure. We know that making time for structured fitness is difficult for most families, not to mention expensive. We want to remove those barriers and offer our students the opportunity to try new things and live active lives.
Play Hard offers daily care (Monday thru Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm) for children ages 8 weeks thru 12 years old. All students are required to complete an online enrollment form, liability form, and provide current immunizations at the time of enrollment. All children must be current on their immunizations. No exceptions or exclusions will be accepted. The enrollment fee and first week’s tuition are required prior to acceptance. Spots are not guaranteed until these requirements are met.
Once enrolled, Play Hard requires a two weeks’ notice prior to unenrollment. If less than two weeks’ notice is provided, a $150 fee will be assessed. Accrued vacation time cannot be used in lieu of this notice.
Play Hard reserves the right to terminate care and unenroll a student or family without cause at any time. If a student's or family's care is terminated by Play Hard, they will not be accepted back into the program in the future.
Full tuition is required Monday of each week, regardless of any school closings, vacations, illness, etc. If tuition is not received, a $5 late charge will be accrued per day starting on Tuesday morning. If tuition is still unfulfilled by Wednesday, the student will not be allowed to return on Thursday until the payment and all applicable late fees are provided to the center. If this happens repeatedly, the center reserves the right to suspend the student’s enrollment.
No late fees will be accrued for days when the center is closed.
Rates will increase every January and will be held throughout the calendar year.
Annual Enrollment Fee:
An annual enrollment fee of $50 per student or $100 per family is due at the time of enrollment and every August thereafter. This enrollment fee applies to Summer Camp, as well as traditional full-time enrollment.
Camp Days:
All students attending daily/weekly camps when TPS is closed must call at least a week prior to attendance to ensure space is available. All fees are required prior to daily acceptance. Students participating in daily/weekly camps are required to be currently enrolled for the year.
A 5% discount is available for a full month’s prepayment via check, cash, or online. A 2.5% discount is available for a full month’s prepayment via credit card. A 10% sibling discount is applied to the oldest child’s tuition. The sibling discount applies to multiple children if the family consists of more than two students.
Payment Methods:
We accept payment in the form of check, cash, credit card, or online ACH payment. If a check or ACH is returned for any reason, we will require an immediate cash payment including a $25 return check fee, as well as all accrued late fees due to this delay. If payment is returned, Play Hard reserves the right to no longer accept the returned method of payment.
DHS Subsidies:
All DHS co-pays are due the first day of each month. Late fees of $5/day will begin accruing starting on the 2nd. If the copay remains unpaid by the 5th, the student will be unenrolled. If the 1st falls on a weekend, payment is due the Friday before.
If a swipe is missed or entered incorrectly, the guardian will be responsible for paying the DHS standard daily rate or the difference in what DHS has paid and what was due. Late fees will begin one business day following when the family was notified of the discrepancy.
If a student utilizing DHS subsidies misses five or more days in a given calendar month, they will be unenrolled from the program. If a family misses two days' swipes in a row, they will also be unenrolled from the program. They can re-enroll only if there is still space available. At that time, another enrollment fee will be charged.
Play Hard is open Monday thru Friday from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Curbside drop off will take place from 7:30-9am in the north loop under the blue awnings at the Eastside location and the Play Hard door on the west side at the Brookside location. Any arrivals outside that time require prior Director’s approval. If no prior exception was approved, students will not be accepted after 9am. If your child will be late or absent, please notify our office by 8am so we can plan meals and staffing accordingly.
Curbside pickup will occur from 4-5:30pm at the same location as drop off. Parents are allowed into the building to pick them up their children when the children from the elementary school have been dismissed. If a parent wants to enter the facility during the school day, they must enter the main school entrance and register with CBA before being walked back to Play Hard. This is to ensure all children's safety. If picking up outside these hours, please message us via Brightwheel and pickup at the main school entrance. If picking up between 2-3:45pm at the Eastside location, please park in the north parking lot so you won't get stuck in the loop or hold up school traffic.
Vacation Accrual:
All full-time students will accrue two weeks vacation every January to be used that calendar year. (**This is an improved change for 2023.**) This vacation time must be taken in full one week (Monday through Friday) increments. Vacation time does not roll over. All vacation must be approved in advance. Vacation time will not be applied to past absences.
Late Pickup:
Our facility closes at 5:30pm. If you are unable to pick up your child by 5:30pm, a $1 per minute fee will incur with a minimum penalty of $5. Late fees must be paid to continue care. In the event we are unable to reach a parent or emergency contact for 15 minutes after closure, we reserve the right to call law enforcement for assistance.
Security is extremely important to us. Therefore, the facility’s doors will remain locked 24/7. If a parent wants to visit a classroom when the elementary school is in session, they must enter through the main school entrance and register as a visitor with CBA. At that time, a Play Hard employee will escort them to their classroom. This is to ensure all children in the school are safe and all visitors are properly documented.
Annual Play Hard closings and observed holidays include the following:
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Break
Christmas Break
New Year’s Eve & Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day (Possibly two days depending on how the holiday falls in the week)
**Additional Closures for EHS Class for Professional Development and Home Visits**
Starting in 2023, we have included quarterly early release days to allow for staff training, organization, deep cleaning, etc. On these days, we will open at our normal time, but dismiss children at noon.
Annual calendars will note the specific dates which these holidays will fall.
In the event Tulsa Public Schools is closed or delayed (i.e. inclement weather, flood, power outage, etc.), our facility will also close or observe a late start. However, in the event of Play Hard closing (not TPS related) a notice will be sent out through Brightwheel no later than 6:30am. We will not broadcast the closure on TV, so please make sure you are signed up on Brightwheel. We want our faculty and your children to be safe!
No credit or discount is applied or available for any day which the center is closed, scheduled or spontaneous.
Health Forms:
All children are required to have their immunizations up to date with accordance to the Oklahoma Health Department. A current copy must always be on file and will be reviewed periodically. A valid and current record must be on file before a child may stay at the Center. In the event a child is found under-vaccinated, the parents will have one week to mitigate the situation.
Children shall not be sent to school if they have an infection, bad cough, fever, flu-like symptoms, or vomiting. When your child is absent due to illness, please ensure that the school is notified by 8am. If the child is in the aftercare program this is extremely important, since this can cause huge delays if the child is not at school when pickup occurs.
If a child has a contagious illness, the school must be notified immediately so we can alert others who may have been in contact with the child.
The following are reasons for exclusions from the facility and will require prompt parental pick-up. Children must be symptom-free for 24 hours without medication unless stated otherwise and/or have a valid doctor’s note to return.
- Fever of 100 degrees or higher (MUST be fever free for 24 hours to return.)
- Two or more cases of diarrhea (MUST be diarrhea free for 24 hours to return.)
- Vomiting one or more times (MUST be 24 hours since last vomit to return.)
- Undiagnosed body rash, except diaper rash (MUST provide doctor’s note to return.)
- Eye discharge or pink eye (MUST provide doctor’s note to return.)
- Yellowish skin or eyes (MUST provide doctor’s note to return.)
- Severe coughing, where a child gets red or blue in the face or makes a high-pitched whooping sound after coughing
- Signs or symptoms of possible illness, such as lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, or any other unusual signs until a medical evaluation allows inclusion.
- Lice and/or knits (MUST be knit free to return.)
Special Required Exclusions:
The following illnesses are very contagious in child care and will require special minimum exclusion periods.
COVID - Required 5 day minimum exclusion if the child is symptom-free and can wear a well fitted mask for days 6-10. If they are unable to wear a mask, there will be a minimum 10 day exclusion requirement. We highly encourage siblings to also quarantine during the infected child's isolation period and test afterwards to reduce the spread of illness.
RSV - Minimum 5 day exclusion period following positive test or start of symptoms. Child may return after this period if symptoms have improved and child is fever-free for 24 hours.
Hand Foot Mouth - Minimum 5 day exclusion period following notice of the first visible blister. Child may return after this period if they are not drooling or have a runny nose, blisters are not open and oozing, they have no visible mouth blisters, and they are fever-free for 24 hours.​
All medications must be in their original package with a signed medication form stating dosage, frequency, etc. Medications will not be administered if this form is not on file. Medications will be stored in the office and may NOT go into any classrooms (with exception to diaper creams and emergency medicine). Medication administration will be documented in Brightwheel.
Emergency Treatment / Injuries:
If an injury occurs that warrants immediate emergency treatment, the child will be taken to St. Francis Hospital. Depending on the severity of the situation, transport may begin prior to parent notification. We care truly about your children and do not want to cause any delays in an emergency situation.
For other non-life-threatening but serious injuries or any injuries involving the head, the parent will be immediately notified. For any other minor injuries, an “Incident Report” will be documented in Brightwheel.
All students (toddler and up) are provided breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. All known food allergies must be provided to the center during enrollment. Infants will be provided a generic formula and baby food. If your child requires a specific formula, we may ask that you supply it. Outside lunches are now accepted but must be seed and nut-free. We ask that you limit lunches that require warming.
We welcome you to celebrate your child’s birthday at the center. If so, please provide only prepackaged "seed and nut-free" snacks. Unfortunately, home baked goods will not be allowed. Also, colored frosting should be limited, as it can be very messy and there are sometimes allergies to specific food colorings.
All individuals authorized to pick up each child will need to be noted on the student’s Brightwheel account. If the primary caregiver is not available to pick up the child, the center should be notified of who to expect. In addition to this person being on the list, a Driver’s License or ID must be shown at the time of pickup.
As a licensed child care center, we must report all suspected child abuse and human trafficking to DHS. We must keep the children safe, so records will be kept on each suspected event.
We encourage positive redirection; positive discipline teaches children where limits are set, how to maintain control of their bodies, and how to problem solve in the event of conflict. Discipline is the guiding and directing of behavior to encourage acceptable and appropriate behavior. We will use positive reinforcement throughout our day. When disciplinary action is necessary, we exercise firm, loving, verbal control, remaining calm and gentle. We redefine the rules (in a manner where it is understood by various ages), redirect behavior, and offer individualized attention. In each of our classrooms we offer a “Safe Place.” It is not to be used as a time out area for children, but rather as an area where children can rest or regain self-control.
At NO time will any corporal punishment be acceptable or occur at Play Hard.
In the event this redirection is unsuccessful and the child continues to cause disruption for the class or is aggressive towards others, a meeting will occur between the Director and parent. If the issue(s) does not improve following the meeting, the Center reserves the right to unenroll the child until further notice. If this occurs, no reimbursements will be made for any funds already paid.
Children will need to bring the following each day:
- Two extra sets of clothes (Infants thru PreK)
- Diapers / Pull-ups & Wipes (If not potty trained)
- Blanket and/or lovey (Toddlers thru PreK)
Infants will also need the following provided daily:
- Bottles adequate for day (Labeled with first and last name)
- Specialty formula / breast milk adequate for day
- Pacifier (if desired)
Please leave all toys at home. Children get very attached to these items and are sad when someone else breaks or takes them. To eliminate this, we do not allow any personal toys unless under special request. We will have “Show and Tell” on occasion, but parents will be notified ahead of time.
All other approved personal belongings (clothes, bottles, etc.) will need to be marked with the student’s name or initials and will be stored in their cubby. If there are additional items you feel are helpful or necessary to care for your child, please talk with the Director, as some items may require additional paperwork or may not be allowed here at Play Hard.
We have an open door policy. Parents are welcome at the center at any time; however, they must be properly checked in and escorted. We encourage parents to celebrate birthdays and join us for holiday parties. Parents are also welcome to volunteer in classrooms, and donations to the classroom or center are always welcome! We encourage parent involvement by reinforcing what the child is learning at home. We ask that the parents stay up to date on Brightwheel notifications and communications, because that is our main source of communication with parents throughout the day.
We want parents to be involved in the education of their child(ren). Research shows us that parents, who are involved in their child’s learning, will help ensure their success in school.
If you are a family in our EHS classroom and would like to serve on the Policy Council, please let us know before annual voting takes place in August.
Parents are to be made aware that students may be photographed or filmed during play or study. These photos and videos may be used in online or printed media, including but not limited to our Facebook page, posters, pamphlets, etc. Parents may opt out in writing if they prefer for their child(ren) to be excluded from any photographs or videos. At no time will a family be compensated if media is used in any Play Hard publications.
Students may participate in structured fitness activities while at Play Hard. Students will work on various skills including strength, yoga, cardio, soccer, gymnastics, etc. Various outside fitness instructors may lead the instructions. When fitness classes are not taking place, students will still participate in daily physical play/games either in the gym, classroom, or outside. Some of these lessons may require an additional cost.
Transportation to and from selected schools will be provided via our center’s van. Parents will need to notify the student’s school to have the center added to the approved pickup list. If a student is not at school or will not require pickup, the center will need to be notified prior to 2pm. If Play Hard is not notified, the family will incur a $5 after school safety fee.
Each student under the age of 8 will require a booster seat in order to ride in the van. The parent/guardian may need to provide a car seat that is correct for their child.
In the event of an emergency, all rooms are equipped with a visible plan and path of action.
In summary, the tornado shelter will be in the school's library (Eastside) or the restroom across the hall (Brookside) and the fire gathering place will be in the north parking lot (Eastside) or the west parking lot (Brookside). If a potential intruder or an irate family member shows signs of possible harm to the children, the facility will go on lockdown and CBA will be notified of the lockdown via the school's walkie.
Parents will be notified of any actual emergency occurrences.
In the event of a blizzard, power outage, flood, natural/man-made disaster, etc. that causes the facility to close early, all parents will be notified via the Brightwheel app to pick up children prior to standard closing time. We appreciate parents’ prompt attention in these situations.
If we must evacuate and leave the immediate area, we will relocate all children to Martin Regional Library (Eastside) or Brookside Library (Brookside). In the event of this occurring, parents will be notified to pick-up promptly at this location.
Play Hard is not responsible or liable for any care outside of Play Hard's standard business hours and primary location. Play Hard does not condone any employees babysitting students offsite. However, if a family chooses to hire a Play Hard employee for babysitting services, the family accepts full liability and understands that any actions that take place outside of Play Hard are not representative of the business.
We limit screen time here at Play Hard. Occasionally Teachers will show educational videos, songs, GoNoodle activities, dances, etc. as part of instruction time or to ease transitions. Screen time is not used to "babysit" children, nor will any inappropriate videos be shown. Schoolage children may watch videos during quiet time or play Xbox Kinect during select times. On special occasions, children may participate in a special movie day. Screentime is limited in accordance with DHS standards.
Play Hard does not allow any solicitation of products or services sold outside of Play Hard to any Play Hard employees or customers without the Owner's prior approval. If a family fails to comply with this policy, their care may be terminated.